Pinion Insights: Posts from category

Risk Management

5 Traits Found in Resilient Producers

By Pinion Editorial | July 26, 2024
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Reading Time: 5 minutes
What keeps a farmer in business through droughts, rising costs, falling prices and other invisible struggles? What helps you weather through? “As an Ag marketing and risk management advisor who’s been around the block (more than a few dozen times), I’ve had the benefit of having had thousands of honest conversations …

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Deadline Reminder: Livestock Insurance Deadline Approaching

By Pinion Editorial | May 14, 2024
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
The USDA Risk Management Agency offers two popular federally subsidized livestock insurance programs: Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) and Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP). The deadline for transferring these programs is June 30. If you are unsatisfied with your current coverage or risk management advice related to DRP or LRP, now is …

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Risk Management Firms Join Forces to Mitigate Agriculture Market Risks

By Pinion Editorial | April 11, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes
April 11, 2024 – Pinion Risk Management, LLC and Atten Babler Risk Management, LLC, two leading consulting and risk management firms to the agriculture industry, announced they have merged advisory resources and services, effective April 1, 2024. This strategic merger will further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in addressing the …

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Navigating High Interest Rates in 2024

By Pinion Editorial | February 23, 2024
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
After nearly two years of rising interest rates, many farmers are tapping into their cash reserves from prosperous years to avoid taking out new loans. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City reports that lending has softened with the amount of farm operating loans over $1 million dropping notably and …

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Manage Your Top 3 Farm Risks

By Pinion Editorial | August 29, 2023
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
Farming is a risky business. With changing policies, weather events, global dynamics, and other factors beyond a farmer’s control, it feels less and less predictable each year. While market volatility has been part of agriculture for decades, today’s commodity prices react even more quickly to the influences of a world …

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