Experts in Analysis and Answers.

Forensic Accounting & Litigation Support

When you are navigating a complex legal dispute, you need the right team by your side. Our seasoned forensic accounting and litigation advisors provide the support and expertise to provide resolution to your disputes.

Whether you need an expert testimony, financial consultation, damage calculations, or tax analysis, our specialized team has the expertise to support your case.

Our experts provide support for a wide range of legal challenges you may be facing:

  • Divorce - I'm going through a divorce, and I need my business valued.
  • Shareholder dispute - My partner wants to be bought out, but we don't know at what price.
  • Economic damages - I lost earnings to my business as part of a contract dispute but I don't know how much.
  • Fraud - I think an employee might be stealing from me but I don't know how much.

Speak to a Forensic Accounting & Litigation Support Expert

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Michelle Ellis


Forensic accounting and litigation support can be categorized as testifying or consulting:                            

We can provide both expert witness testimony in court-related matters and litigation consultation to support you through all phases of a dispute. Our team analyzes complex financial issues to provide accurate insights and data to help resolve your case.

  • Testifying - You need a financial expert to testify in court.
  • Consulting – We provide financial expertise and help you prepare your case.

Specialized Litigation Services: 

  • Marital dissolution
  • Economic damages
  • Lost profits analysis
  • Accounting investigations
  • Fraud investigations