Pinion Insights: Posts from category

Commodity Crops

5 Traits Found in Resilient Producers

By Pinion Editorial | July 26, 2024
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Reading Time: 5 minutes
What keeps a farmer in business through droughts, rising costs, falling prices and other invisible struggles? What helps you weather through? “As an Ag marketing and risk management advisor who’s been around the block (more than a few dozen times), I’ve had the benefit of having had thousands of honest conversations …

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Deadline Reminder: Livestock Insurance Deadline Approaching

By Pinion Editorial | May 14, 2024
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
The USDA Risk Management Agency offers two popular federally subsidized livestock insurance programs: Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) and Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP). The deadline for transferring these programs is June 30. If you are unsatisfied with your current coverage or risk management advice related to DRP or LRP, now is …

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5 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Accounting System

By Pinion Editorial | May 12, 2024
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Is your accounting system holding your business back? Maybe you’re so busy running the business that sorting through scattered financials seems more of a headache than it’s worth. Or maybe you’ve tried making changes and were met with responses like, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”, or “We’ve always …

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Use It or Lose It: Lock in Estate Tax Advantages Now

By Pinion Editorial | May 7, 2024
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
The estate tax exemption doesn’t sunset until the end of 2025. So why worry about it now?   Unfortunately, this historically high estate and gift tax exemption offers a short window of opportunity, and it may be closing soon. If you want to preserve more of your wealth, it’s important to …

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Co-ops Can Increase Employee Retention with These 6 Steps

By Pinion Editorial | April 22, 2024
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Reading Time: 4 minutes
In recent years, securing new employees has been an overwhelming concern for businesses, with several reasons contributing to the shortage of job seekers. The pandemic has accelerated a shift to non-traditional work structures, and while companies offering remote positions have been receiving a steady stream of applicants, employers with traditional …

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Navigating High Interest Rates in 2024

By Pinion Editorial | February 23, 2024
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
After nearly two years of rising interest rates, many farmers are tapping into their cash reserves from prosperous years to avoid taking out new loans. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City reports that lending has softened with the amount of farm operating loans over $1 million dropping notably and …

Read moreNavigating High Interest Rates in 2024

Farmland Project Success is Controllable

By Pinion Editorial | February 8, 2024
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
When a piece of farm equipment breaks down, chances are slim to none that you take it to a general repair shop. If you can’t fix it in your own shop, you’re likely hauling it straight to a MacAllister’s or John Deere – somewhere with the equipment, knowledge and specific …

Read moreFarmland Project Success is Controllable

Amazon + Whole Foods = Pricing Adjustments?

What Kind of Farm Co-op Do You Want to Be?

By Pinion Editorial | February 8, 2024
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Farmers need three key things for their business: the best price, the best quality, and the best service. All of these come at a cost to an Ag cooperative, and it can be especially challenging to maintain a strong margin to stay profitable and able to serve your customers in …

Read moreWhat Kind of Farm Co-op Do You Want to Be?
