Welcome to Pinion

Anderson ZurMuehlen has officially decided to join forces with Pinion, a global accounting and consulting firm. As a client of AZ’s we want to welcome you to Pinion and hope your experience throughout this transition is seamless. Below you will find information on tools and software we use to create safe and secure information exchange with our clients.

NOTE: While the Pinion name is new, the firm has been in existence since 1932. Currently, Pinion is the brand name under which advisory services are provided , while KCoe Isom, LLP is a licensed CPA firm. You will likely see both names on agreements, invoices and documents.

*P.O. Boxes will no longer be active after the first of the year. Please reference our locations page for mailing addresses. Montana addresses will be listed beginning in 2023.

Client Information Exchange Tools

Document Transfer and Storage Portal – myPortal
Pinion utilizes myPortal for exchanging and storing client documents. Your client manager will set up your portal and then send you a notification on how to set up a login. You will receive an email from noreply@myportal.team to let you know your portal is ready to be set up. Please whitelist noreply@myportal.team so the email doesn’t get caught in your spam filter.

Click here to download a user start up guide that will assist you in using the portal.

SafeSend Secure Email
For tax return information we utilize a tool called SafeSend. This allows us to send you your return to download, sign and send back to Pinion.

How to Receive Returns via SafeSend
Once your return is ready you will get an email from noreply@safesendreturns.com (please add this email to your safe sender list) which will provide you a safe link to access, sign and receive your return. Here is a short video on how to download and sign returns.

Invoice and Payment Process
Pinion and KCoe Isom, LLP utilize an online payment portal called Aiwyn (formerly, Anduin).

Aiwyn, allows you to: