The Farm Service Agency (FSA) released a notice regarding changes made by USDA that could impact producers across the U.S.  With just a few days’ away from the deadline to submit applications, a new change in procedure has just been released by the FSA – but the application deadline remains unchanged.   


Deadline of July 14,2023 will not be extended:

  • It was announced that there will be no extension of the July 14, 2023 deadline to submit ERP Phase 2 and PARP applications to the local FSA office.

New ‘Use of Registers’ Guidance: 

  • ERP Phase 2 applications will allow the use of registers in the County FSA office. The use of registers allows producers to contact the County office – preferably in person – and inform them that because of recent changes in the procedure applicable to ERP Phase 2, more time is necessary to submit all the necessary documentation. This notice of intent to submit an application must be completed by July 14, 2023.
  • PARP (in a July 13 notice by FSA) was granted the allowance for the use of registers for that program. As mentioned, PARP applications (FSA-1122) must be completed and submitted to FSA by this Friday, July 14, 2023.

Bill Penn, Pinion’s Director of Farm Program Services adds, “Just last Friday, the FSA made another substantive change that identifies additional crops that may be included as allowable gross revenue when those crops did not produce any actual revenue because they were fed to livestock or otherwise used in ongoing operations on the farm.”

Additional Action May Be Needed upon Submission:  Notify FSA of Potential Application Changes Due to Procedural Changes

As a result of these late changes, Penn advises producers that might be impacted to let FSA know that they have situations which might change the analysis due to the latest changes in FSA procedure.

“Do not delay going into the County FSA office and signing the required paperwork and submitting your application – and make sure to inform them that there may need to be changes to those applications because of the rule change.”

Contact a Pinion Farm Program Services advisor with questions regarding these changes and applicability to your operation.