The Sustainability Consortium Summit (TSC), recently held in Chicago, gathered a unique audience to discuss progress and new solutions to evaluate sustainability across diverse consumer goods industries. Attendees included brands and retailers that are on the front lines of consumer goods sustainability challenges. The need for farm-level sustainability data to evaluate sustainability throughout complex food and ag supply chains was again a key focus of this year’s TSC Summit. This year, the potential for new technology solutions to improve data sharing between farms, brands, and retailers was discussed.

Technology Innovations to Simplify and Expand Farm-level Data Tracking Capabilities

A key theme at this year’s TSC Summit was the need to use technology to streamline and improve data gathering, particularly at the farm level. New technology innovations were discussed that will provide:

  • Simpler data collection process for farmers to minimize double entry of data
  • Integration of TSC KPI’s into existing platforms, such as Field to Market®, to make tracking the required information easier for producers
  • Valuable reporting capabilities to support producers in business decision-making

By leveraging emerging technologies, producers can improve their ability to track and manage valuable sustainability data. This information not only can help farmers to make improvements in their own businesses, but also be shared with key supply chain partners and customers to support them in achieving their sustainability goals.

K·Coe Isom has been a member of TSC since 2011 and contributes producer perspective to the forum. We help our clients to understand and stay ahead of the sustainability measurement needs of food companies and retailers while exploring opportunities to add value in return for their sustainability data.

Contact a K·Coe Isom sustainability expert for more information on how we can support you in leveraging your farm-level data to provide value to your organization.  Contact Emily Johannes at