Missouri consulting and CPA firm, Baer & Co joins national leader in food & agriculture.

(July 5, 2017) – Columbia and Jackson Missouri-based CPA firm Baer & Co is acquired by K·Coe Isom, the nation’s leading business consultants and CPAs in food & agriculture. Jeff Baer and Dana Steffens are principals of K·Coe Isom, and all 23 employees are now K·Coe Isom employees. Jackson and Columbia become the firm’s first Missouri offices, bridging the nearest locations in Lenexa, Kansas (a Kansas City suburb) and Oxford, Mississippi.

“Baer & Co people instantly felt like a natural fit within our team, and we saw and felt this even more when we were all together two weeks ago. We have a shared passion for helping people, especially ag producers, beverage distributors, and contractors,” said Jeff Wald, K·Coe Isom’s CEO. “Jeff Baer is a dynamic leader proven to think out of the box and committed to growth. He’s built a great team and we’re truly happy for them to become part of our firm.”

Baer & Co was originally founded in 1995 by Jeff Baer and three employees. Through mostly organic growth and eventually an acquisition of a Columbia, Missouri firm in 2009, Baer & Co has become the firm it is today.

“I’ve always been growth focused,” says Baer. “About a year ago, I started appreciating how integrating with like-minded K·Coe Isom permitted us to be so much better together. It’s a pleasure to now be able to bring rich specialty service offerings to our clients such as estate, succession, sustainability and farm program services. I’m also eager to meet and work with many more businesses in Missouri and surrounding states having our larger K·Coe team helping to fulfill business-owners’ financial needs and growth dreams. This is a tremendous opportunity to make an even more positive impact.”

About K·Coe Isom

K·Coe Isom leads, nationally, as consultants and CPAs in the food and agriculture industry that constitutes roughly two-thirds of the firm’s business. K·Coe Isom was formed in January 2015 upon merging two food & ag powerhouse firms: mid-western based Kennedy and Coe and California-based Matson and Isom. The firm is embedded throughout the U.S. food-supply chain, working with producers, input suppliers, processors, packagers, distributors, biofuels, equipment dealers, landowners, ag lenders, as well as agencies and policy organizations that support and govern the industry. The firm also has strengths in community banking, construction and real estate development, transportation, education, and manufacturing. Including the new Columbia and Jackson, Missouri locations, the firm now has 21 offices and almost 400 people from coast to coast. Visit kcoe.com.
