Ryan Dreher, Principal, Pinion, LLC
As an experienced member of the equipment dealership team, Ryan is energized by brainstorming options for each unique situation to find solutions that optimize business results and maximize growth opportunities.
A process-focused person, Ryan likes to dig in and aid dealerships through improvement projects for internal controls and accounting systems which enable them to spend less time looking back and more time looking forward. His enthusiasm for fostering longstanding relationships with clients is coupled with a drive to take those organizations to the next level.
Ryan is an experienced Certified Public Accountant (CPA), leads KCoe Isom’s audit and assurance (A&A) technology committee, and is a member of the firm’s A&A committee. He is adept at audit, reviews and compilations of financial statements, and the tax and consulting for individuals, partnerships, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations. He has specialized tax planning knowledge, and in-depth experience with multi-state taxation.