What is the sustainability meaning for food and ag companies? It is highly impressionable and easily altered, as it is essentially how consumers view our industry. Consumers today want to understand how food and ag products are grown, raised, and produced, and they want information that goes all the way back to the farm. For food and ag businesses this means tracking, reporting, and leveraging sustainability data to gain internal and external value for doing this work.

Want to see what sustainability looks like for poultry farms and plants? Click here to view the Environmental Defense Fund’s Poultry Sustainability Guide.

This guide is the result of a collaboration between Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and the food and agriculture advising firm, Pinion. Through industry interviews, research, and expertise, the report provides resources and information for poultry companies to help them integrate sustainability into business operations and strategy.

The level of detail that this takes can be overwhelming.  It’s crucial for businesses to understand sustainability, as well as its ability to drive value and trust, and their dependency on it for long-term success.

WHAT:  Sustainability meaning is holistic

The term can be confusing, but how we define it is to maximize internal and external value, sustainability must be holistically defined across the financial, social, and environmental aspects of your business. In the food and ag space companies are expected to have organized programs under a coordinated strategy across all leaders in the business.

WHY: Sustainability links to external and internal value

There are a number of ways to drive growth, improve transparency, reduce risk, improve margins, and build trust across the value chain.

HOW: Four ways to capture sustainability

Pinion’s Sustainability team works with food and beverage producers and manufacturers in a number of ways for comprehensive product disclosure, and have created four key areas for success: strategy, assessment, benchmarking, and transparent reporting.

Learn more about the steps for executing sustainability in your company here.