July 26, 2022 – The leading food and agriculture consulting firm Pinion and its sustainability and land (formerly DIGS Associates) advisory divisions are excited to announce that they have joined as a Program Supporter of Leading Harvest, a nonprofit organization who created a scalable program for independently verifying sustainable farm management.  Pinion has enlisted as a Program Supporter to support its mission and provide sustainability and land advisory services for its members – farmers, landowners, and ag investors. 

Program Supporters help build a community of sustainable agriculture practitioners and support the ecosystem that supports the success of its Program Users – any organization or person that owns or has management authority for farmland and chooses to apply the Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard to their operations.

Specifically, Pinion and its advisory divisions for land and sustainability services can provide solutions to help both farmers and landowners to attain and demonstrate sustainable results.  From sustainability consulting and program implementation to land advisory strategies and project facilitation – Pinion provides scalable implementation of sustainability practices for the food and agriculture industry.

“We are proud to join as a Leading Harvest Program Supporter because it is a recognition of the mark we have made on sustainable farm and landowner practices,” says Quint Shambaugh, Pinion land advisory lead.  “It showcases that our standards are high and our commitment to the scalable implementation of sustainability practices is effective and prominent within the Food & Ag industry.” 

Leading Harvest works with farmers, landowners, and investors at all scales to independently certify sustainable farmland management and provide support through education and training opportunities. Together, Leading Harvest and Pinion’s sustainability and land advisors will continue to encourage innovation, efficiency, and the optimization of resources for continuous improvement across the industry.